Sunday, April 5, 2009

I HATE Family Dollar tests!

I've taken three FD pregnancy tests and 2 were positive, but very faint. The one I took this morning was barely there, so now I'm worried that something's wrong. Of course I did drink a lot of fluids yesterday and these tests say that dilutes your HcG levels, so maybe I need to wonder if they just suck? I asked my friend if she had this happen and she said it did, she miscarried. *sigh* I take comfort in my nausea, aching breasts, and the fact my belly is swelling (my jeans are too tight already), so things must be okay. I'm also praying very hard and I hope He realizes having a child die, even one I've never held, is not something my fragile mind can handle.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts are with you.

    Just a note: It is very normal for our bodies expel pregnancies in early weeks. Naturally (without new preg. test) we would be unaware of this natural occurrence of our bodies. So please trust in your body a beautifully working machine!!!
